BLASTX 2.2.9 [May-01-2004] BLASTX 2.2.9 [May-01-2004] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Contig211 NX0AINT5YL11CM1.SCF NX0AINT1YD01CM1.SCF NX0AMYA26YM05CM1.SCF NX0AINT1YH11CM1.SCF NX0AINT12YP10CM1.SCF (963 letters) Database: /home/amadoui/banque/plasm_falciparum 5411 sequences; 4,065,673 total letters Searching...........done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL11|PF11_0302|Pf Annotation|Plasmodi... 36 0.015 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL3|PFC0760c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium... 33 0.074 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL4|PFD0265w|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium... 33 0.13 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL14|PF14_0165|Pf Annotation|Plasmodi... 28 2.4 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL12|PFL1715w|Pf Annotation|Plasmodiu... 28 2.4 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL6|PFF0935c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium... 28 4.1 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL2|PFB0615c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium... 28 4.1 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL5|PFE0870w|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium... 27 5.3 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL12|PFL2060c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodiu... 27 5.3 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL11|PF11_0086|Pf Annotation|Plasmodi... 27 6.9 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL7|MAL7P1.28|Pf Annotation|Plasmodiu... 27 6.9 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL12|PFL0355c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodiu... 27 6.9 Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL13|PF13_0010|Pf Annotation|Plasmodi... 27 9.1 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL11|PF11_0302|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_TIGR|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 452 Score = 35.8 bits (81), Expect = 0.015 Identities = 28/109 (25%), Positives = 41/109 (37%) Frame = +1 Query: 364 MTQAQAEQHLAQGFNPFDVTKVWSHKTYPLKEVGKLVLNRNPANYFSDVEQLAFSPAHFV 543 M + Q GFNPF K+ + L + L+LN N + + +Q + V Sbjct: 172 MNIEEISQEFFSGFNPFGTMKIRKEQNPDLSQKDSLILNENNNDSLTSADQ---KNNNMV 228 Query: 544 PGIQPSPDKMLQGRLFSYSDTHRHRLGPNYQQIPVNQPVQSQPKNYQRD 690 P ++ R FSYS H + + V Q Q N Q D Sbjct: 229 P---------MENRSFSYSQQSSHVVSFDGHDEHVEQQEQHSGDNTQED 268 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL3|PFC0760c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Sanger|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 3394 Score = 33.5 bits (75), Expect = 0.074 Identities = 23/83 (27%), Positives = 37/83 (44%), Gaps = 2/83 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 706 NGNQGGAPNYFPNSFNGPDYLANVPEPAKQVSQTVIRRYSSKDEDNFTQAGEFFRNVLTE 885 N N G N+ N+FN + L N + Q++ + RY E+N Q N+ T Sbjct: 2683 NNNMGDEDNHLVNAFNNHNLLTNGNVKSDQINNETLERY----EENIIQ------NIYTN 2732 Query: 886 D--ERTRLVNNIASNLINAQPSI 948 D + +++ NI LI + I Sbjct: 2733 DNVDNNQVIENINKILIKDKQDI 2755 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL4|PFD0265w|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Sanger|(protein coding) pre-mRNA splicing factor, putative Length = 3137 Score = 32.7 bits (73), Expect = 0.13 Identities = 31/110 (28%), Positives = 40/110 (36%), Gaps = 1/110 (0%) Frame = +1 Query: 607 HRHRLGPNYQQIPVNQPVQSQPKNYQRDGFMTVNGNQGGAPNYFPNSFN-GPDYLANVPE 783 H H L PN +P N +N G NY PN N P Y+ +P Sbjct: 196 HMHNLPPNMHSLPPN-----------------MNYIPPGINNYMPNMMNMPPPYMMKMPN 238 Query: 784 PAKQVSQTVIRRYSSKDEDNFTQAGEFFRNVLTEDERTRLVNNIASNLIN 933 K S +I S+ DN RN +E NNI +N+ N Sbjct: 239 -MKMKSNKIINNVSNNVADN-------VRNSNLYNEEGIQPNNIHNNIHN 280 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL14|PF14_0165|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_TIGR|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 3026 Score = 28.5 bits (62), Expect = 2.4 Identities = 31/141 (21%), Positives = 53/141 (37%), Gaps = 13/141 (9%) Frame = +1 Query: 463 GKLVLNRNPANYFSDVEQLAFSPAHFVPGIQPSPDKMLQGRLFSYSDTHRHRLGPN---- 630 G +LN NP NY + +L + +P ++ SY + + + N Sbjct: 2383 GNTILNNNPYNYMINNNKLNYMQ-------NRNPINIINNNDNSYCYVNNNTMSSNNNNI 2435 Query: 631 ---YQQIPVNQPVQSQPKNYQRDG-----FMTVNGNQGGAPNYF-PNSFNGPDYLANVPE 783 YQQ N P++ + Y + +M N PNY + DY Sbjct: 2436 SYIYQQ--YNNPIKKEDNVYNTNSNKHIPYMLNRANPFIQPNYSNKKNIRNDDYFV---- 2489 Query: 784 PAKQVSQTVIRRYSSKDEDNF 846 Q +Q I Y++ +E++F Sbjct: 2490 ---QSAQPHINTYTNNNEESF 2507 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL12|PFL1715w|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Stanford|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 646 Score = 28.5 bits (62), Expect = 2.4 Identities = 18/54 (33%), Positives = 24/54 (44%), Gaps = 3/54 (5%) Frame = +1 Query: 628 NYQQIPVNQPVQSQP---KNYQRDGFMTVNGNQGGAPNYFPNSFNGPDYLANVP 780 +Y + P N + P KNY VN N P+Y P +FN + NVP Sbjct: 54 SYNKQPNNLGASNYPYINKNYTSPNNYVVNNNVN--PSYIPMNFNNVNISPNVP 105 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL6|PFF0935c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Sanger|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 3589 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 10/51 (19%), Positives = 27/51 (52%) Frame = +1 Query: 328 KEYPTWTLYIQVMTQAQAEQHLAQGFNPFDVTKVWSHKTYPLKEVGKLVLN 480 K+Y +Y+++M Q E H+ ++++ +W +K+ + ++ +N Sbjct: 2624 KKYLNLVIYMKLMKQKFKENHIFNKIMKYNISSIWLNKSQIYLQYIQITIN 2674 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL2|PFB0615c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_TIGR|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 2385 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 14/38 (36%), Positives = 23/38 (60%) Frame = +1 Query: 415 DVTKVWSHKTYPLKEVGKLVLNRNPANYFSDVEQLAFS 528 ++ K+ KTY LK+ ++ N+N NYF D E + F+ Sbjct: 1504 NMDKLNEEKTYILKDKNYIIHNKN-TNYFFDNETIIFT 1540 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL5|PFE0870w|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Sanger|(protein coding) transcriptional regulator, putative Length = 1141 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 13/43 (30%), Positives = 23/43 (53%) Frame = +3 Query: 333 IPNMDAVHPSNDASSSRTTLGSRLQPV*CDQGVVAQDVPVEGS 461 I N+D + SND +S+ + S ++ CD+ + +D GS Sbjct: 96 IKNVDVLERSNDNTSNFENIKSTIESTNCDEIALLKDKDATGS 138 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL12|PFL2060c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Stanford|(protein coding) rabGDI protein Length = 460 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 18/73 (24%), Positives = 37/73 (50%), Gaps = 2/73 (2%) Frame = -1 Query: 963 RCAGLNGWLGVDQVGRDVVHQTSAFVFREH--IAEEFASLGEVVFVLRAVATDDRLAHLL 790 R +NG G + ++VV FVF + + +S GE+ + + + + HL Sbjct: 248 RMCAING--GTFMLNKNVVD----FVFDDDNKVCGIKSSDGEIAYCDKVICDPSYVMHLK 301 Query: 789 SRLRDVGQVVRSV 751 ++++ +GQV+R + Sbjct: 302 NKIKKIGQVIRCI 314 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL11|PF11_0086|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_TIGR|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 3334 Score = 26.9 bits (58), Expect = 6.9 Identities = 15/63 (23%), Positives = 27/63 (42%) Frame = +1 Query: 565 DKMLQGRLFSYSDTHRHRLGPNYQQIPVNQPVQSQPKNYQRDGFMTVNGNQGGAPNYFPN 744 DK+L+ + + T+ H NY + +N + + N R+ +N N N N Sbjct: 2936 DKILKETIDQNNRTYNHNNNMNYHENKMNNNLSNMRNNLLRNVSFNMNNNNNNNNNNNNN 2995 Query: 745 SFN 753 + N Sbjct: 2996 NNN 2998 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL7|MAL7P1.28|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Sanger|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 1193 Score = 26.9 bits (58), Expect = 6.9 Identities = 36/149 (24%), Positives = 59/149 (39%), Gaps = 3/149 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 502 SDVEQLAFSPAHFVPGIQPSPDKMLQGRLFSYSDTHRHRLGPNYQ-QIPVNQPVQSQPKN 678 +++EQ + F+ GI L G+LF Y + + H+L + I NQ + + Sbjct: 240 TNIEQSNMLTSKFINGI-------LLGKLFIYKNINEHKLNNEKEHNINTNQTHNNNNNH 292 Query: 679 YQRDGFMTVNGNQGGAPNYFPNSFNGPDYLANVPEPAKQVSQTVIRRYSSKDEDNFTQAG 858 D + Q P YF + V EP K+ I+ Y+ +D N Sbjct: 293 PHSDDDFFNSKGQLICPAYFLWRSKLKEN-KKVKEPRKK-QHKEIKDYNKEDNIN----- 345 Query: 859 EFFRNVLTEDERTRLVNNI--ASNLINAQ 939 N+ D +VNN+ +N+ N Q Sbjct: 346 ----NINNVDNNISMVNNVNNVNNVNNDQ 370 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL12|PFL0355c|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Stanford|(protein coding) hypothetical protein Length = 840 Score = 26.9 bits (58), Expect = 6.9 Identities = 18/57 (31%), Positives = 27/57 (47%), Gaps = 2/57 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 730 NYFPNSFN--GPDYLANVPEPAKQVSQTVIRRYSSKDEDNFTQAGEFFRNVLTEDER 894 NYF N N DY + E K+ S+T ++ S D D + F+N LT ++ Sbjct: 676 NYFSNDENIDKKDYKSKYNE--KKRSKTNKEKHDSDDSDKENEVVNVFKNFLTNKDK 730 >Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7|MAL13|PF13_0010|Pf Annotation|Plasmodium_falciparum_Sanger|(protein coding) Gbph2 Length = 377 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 10/26 (38%), Positives = 17/26 (65%) Frame = +3 Query: 636 TDPSESTSAEPTQELST*WFHDREWQ 713 TDP++ TSA+P ++ W D E++ Sbjct: 332 TDPNDETSADPEGQIMKAWAADPEYR 357 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 10/26 (38%), Positives = 17/26 (65%) Frame = +3 Query: 636 TDPSESTSAEPTQELST*WFHDREWQ 713 TDP++ TSA+P ++ W D E++ Sbjct: 180 TDPNDETSADPEGQIMKAWAADPEYR 205 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 10/26 (38%), Positives = 17/26 (65%) Frame = +3 Query: 636 TDPSESTSAEPTQELST*WFHDREWQ 713 TDP++ TSA+P ++ W D E++ Sbjct: 142 TDPNDETSADPEGQIMKAWAADPEYR 167 Database: /home/amadoui/banque/plasm_falciparum Posted date: Mar 30, 2007 3:37 PM Number of letters in database: 4,065,673 Number of sequences in database: 5411 Lambda K H 0.317 0.134 0.404 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 5,768,535 Number of Sequences: 5411 Number of extensions: 120904 Number of successful extensions: 405 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 13 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 360 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 405 length of database: 4,065,673 effective HSP length: 93 effective length of database: 3,562,450 effective search space used: 808676150 frameshift window, decay const: 50, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)