Gene Ontology

go to the parent GO    biological_process => GO:0008150 ( genes)
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metabolic process GO:0008152 1525 (19.12 %)
cellular process GO:0009987 1194 (14.97 %)
establishment of localization GO:0051234 287 (3.6 %)
localization GO:0051179 287 (3.6 %)
biological regulation GO:0065007 76 (0.95 %)
response to stimulus GO:0050896 39 (0.49 %)
developmental process GO:0032502 23 (0.29 %)
biological adhesion GO:0022610 3 (0.04 %)
immune system process GO:0002376 1 (0.01 %)
multicellular organismal process GO:0032501 1 (0.01 %)